The subject of hair loss in women has come up quite a lot recently, and for a variation of reasons.

There are numerous systemic conditions which may cause a temporary loss of hair such as nutritional factors, child birth, high fever and vaccinations, so in these post covid times we have to address several factors.

One of these factors is that it has been clinically proven that Covid contributed to temporary hair loss in both men and women and, in some cases, as a side effect of the vaccination.

We also have to consider that long term stress will slow down the restoration of the hair growth cycle, but if the loss of hair continues and the condition of the remaining hair starts to deteriorate, then it becomes an issue which could lead to anxiety and concern.

What causes hair loss problems

    In a recent study over 10 years, at least 65% of women who were treated by trichologists complained of a range of hair loss disorders…

    • general diffuse
    • overall thinning of the hair
    • alopecia areata – which is patchy hair loss
    • traction alopecia – caused by hair braiding
    • trichotillomania – caused by pulling one’s own hair out

    The progressive shrinking of hair follicles in the genetically prone area of the head in both men and women is a result of androgens (male hormones), particularly Dihydrotestosterone, which may rise for a number of reasons aside from an inherited trait.

    There are several drugs, which may increase androgen production such as certain forms of H.R.T., oral contraceptives & anabolic steroids.

    One of the most common causes of young, female hair loss is iron deficiency, and often this is related to fad dieting and an increasing trend towards a vegetarian diet.

    Addressing your hair loss problems

    There seems to be a never ending supply of misinformation surrounding hair loss in general and a lot of information directed towards the hair loss market.

    We have been led to believe that there is a “magic bullet” that will cure our hair loss and restore it to its youth full beauty which is a fallacy.

    The first essential thing to do is to establish what type hair loss that you may be suffering from and then work from a point of knowledge & understanding…

    • Is it just a temporary self-correcting condition or has it been an on going condition?
    • Are there underlying medical conditions such as thyroid or blood sugar disorders which may be a factor?
    • What is your diet like; are you getting enough Iron in your food?
    • Is there any family history of medical conditions?

    The hair is a barometer for the entire state of the body, and if we ”listen” to our hair, it will tell us all we need to know. If we take notice early enough, we can save ourselves a lot of wasted money and anxiety. 

    I’ve previously written a helpful blog about how hair reflects our inner health – I’d recommend having a read through that.

    If you’ve tried everything to treat your hair loss problems, and are not having any luck, you can book a trichology appointment with me.