Have you heard the term “the eyes are the window to the soul”? So too the hair reflects the inner well-being of a person.

The Holistic consultation

In the hairdressing industry we are striving to create a better relationship with our clients and the way forward will be in the consultation. In the future the proper method to analyze and prescribe will involve a broader in depth analysis.

No matter what the fashion trend forecasters predict, the health status of a person will always remain a priority when consulting. For true and realistic results in any beauty service, the wellbeing of a person must be established as a starting point and then enhanced with specific product recommendations and expert diagnosis.

Are magazines giving me the right advice?

For too long the public have been convinced and coerced into thinking that the external application of “any’ beauty product will be the answer to their prayers.

What is emerging is a “shift of emphasis” or more so are prioritizing of the steps to looking and feeling better.

Currently the qualities of the latest and greatest breakthrough in cosmetic research are espoused over and over in glossy print media and they always contain some mystical ingredient never before revealed that will be the inevitable X factor to make you look younger, more beautiful, sexy, glowing ect.

Often you will see right at the end of the press release, the “tips” on diet and lifestyle that may enhance the result.

How does this impact on the health of my hair?

The emerging shift will be in establishing a well being program first, the foundation of the inner beauty needs to be strengthened, a regime needs to be tailored towards each individual, the correct assessment, the right advice, the best direction. Ongoing support in this area and commitment will support the foundations of natural beauty.

The new research on natural sustainable ingredients for the beauty industry has established that they will exert an overall benefit to such areas as the Autonomic nervous system, the thymus gland that controls hormone regulation which will create a benefit to the thyroid and adrenal glands. These new extracts will mark collaboration between sciences and natural therapies with an aim to actually create inner well being so the process to make ourselves more beautiful or presentable to the world will be easier and way more naturally achieved.

Does my health make a difference to my hair?

Absolutely and the more the lager cosmetic companies understand this and how inner health impacts how we look on the outside then the better the overall outcome.

If the structure of a house is not strong and the foundations are not firm then no amount of external refurbishment will create a better environment in which to dwell

A return to the core of our health to boost our immune system to regulate and harmonize the body’s natural processes will be the key to set us free and then you will see a true “inner glow’

You cannot paint over something that is weak and vulnerable and expect a lasting result and how this relates to hair is that no amount of product, blond high lights or extensions will mask a weak, inner constitution, if we are not looking after ourselves then anything we do externally will only be temporary.

True beauty, true radiance will always be reflected in the hair and the skin it cannot happen in reverse and can only shine from within so, in the future, that is where the consultation process will begin.

The indifference to or the investment we make in our inner health today will reflect itself with true magnitude the results of tomorrow especially if it is done naturally and with sustainability.

Tips for inner health and outer beauty

  • A good regular exercise routine
  • Plenty of hydration ,good fluids ,water ,juices ,natural teas
  • A well balanced diet and a proper thought process around what you are putting in your mouth, do you need it or are you just eating for distraction?
  • More organic raw foods and plenty of variation in what you eat remember most things are fine in moderation so do not be too rigid.
  • Make sure the hair advice you read about is relevant to your age demographic and suitability as the end result will always be best if are realistic about your expectations
  • Have a hairstylist that shows empathy and gives you enough time during the consultation process to get across your likes and especially your dislikes.
  • Suitable vitamins for you especially a good women’s multi or men’s B stress multi is a good start
  • Strive to minimize stress in your life and find time to chill out Yoga is especially good for re balancing both the body and the mind.